Arthur Burghardt Attending Supercon Retro 2017!

Arthur Burghardt has just been announced as a special guest for SUPERCON RETRO on April 14-16, 2017 @ The Miami Airport Convention Center! TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE @ Use promo code RETRO25 to save 25% off General Admission and VIP Tickets for a LIMITED TIME.
Arthur is Destro and Stalker in G.I. Joe, Devastator in The Transformers, Venom in Ultimate Spider-Man, General Spidrax in Sectaurs, Turbo in Challenge of the Gobots, Big Buffalo in The Wild Thonberrys, Cinge in Dragons Lair, Argus and Boltar in Robotix, Pete in Disney’s The Prince and the Pauper, as well as many video games, Mannoroth and Grom in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Mannoroth in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, and Thanatos in God of War: Ghost of Sparta.
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